
First Christmas

This Christmas was a little more special than usual: it was Little Bean’s first Christmas, and not only was it a white one, but it was also our first Christmas spent at home in KW (we usually travel during the week between Christmas and New Year)!

At five months now, she has started interacting with us more, with her babbling and rolling attempts. She’s had her share of firsts in the recent weeks, including rolling over successfully, and experiencing her first ice storm. Toronto appears to have been hit much worse than we were, with many houses losing power and condos, no running water for an extended period. I don’t think many of us expected the extent that aftermath of the storm would last multiple days,  but we have much to be thankful for, including:

  • I didn’t know the power had went out around 1am, but around that time, we had moved Little Bean’s playard/make-shift-crib away from the window wall as I didn’t want her to feel cold from the window draft. Good thing we did, as it would’ve been very cold for her to sleep otherwise without heat.
  • J.ws’ place had a gas stove, so in the morning, jopoo made us all some hot coffee and an omelette breakfast (using a flame to start the gas stove)
  • Cars were not damaged by fallen branches, but our car was stuck in the garage as the only way in aside from the powered chain was through the side door, to which no one had keys for. However, jonny graciously swapped cars with us so that we could get back to KW
  • Despite missing church in the morning (in spite of attempts to get there), we were able to take refuge at j.w’s parents’ place for the day, as the other house had no power, and thus heat
  • The church Christmas dinner was not cancelled as the restaurant had power, so everyone gathered there that night and shared a filling meal


We’ll leave you with her wishing you a happy Christmas and a merry new year! (you may need to turn up the volume a bit)

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  1. Wow! Didn’t realize how severe the weather was over Christmas. Thankful that you were all safe and sound! Also, great idea to include a sound clip for us haha.

  2. Little Bean’s cooing is SO cute! Hearing it makes me happy.Like Stephanie, I am kind of glad that we missed all the “excitement” from the wintery storm in KW and TO. Very thankful that everyone is safe and sound. Happy 2014!! HUGS!

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